Samuel and Mead
Part 2
- 102-3 Manifestations reveal God and have sovereignty
Revealer of the Supreme Being
- 104-5 No direct knowledge of God
- 106 We know God through His Manifestations
- 107-8 Everything shows a sign of God, but humanity shows all the signs
- 109 Manifestations show these signs to the highest degree
- 110 All the Manifestations embody all the attributes of God
- 111 - 112 People have strayed from the Manifestations
- 113 - 132 True Sovereignty
- 113 Sovereignty of the Qa'im real, but not as we imagine
- 114 Sovereignty is Their spiritual influence
- 115 Remember Muhammad's sufferings
- 116 No escaping these attacks
- 117 Time proves Their sovereignty
- 118-120 Passing judgement
- 121 Resurrection and judgement, life and death
- 122-9 All the Manifestations demonstrate this
- 130 Ponder (difficult concept just shared)
- 131 Spiritual sovereignty superior to earthly sovereignty
- 132 This is just one meaning
- 133 - 145 Spiritual versus Earthly
- 133 Spiritual Sovereignty vs earthly sovereignty
- 134 Qur'anic verification
- 135 Husayn, as an example
- 136 Manifestations as another example
- 137 Dust associated with Husayn as an example
- 138 - 139 Husayn - From martyrdom to majesty
- 140 Summary
- 141 Jesus - True riches
- 142 Sadiq's example
- 143 Poverty and Riches
- 144 - 145 Jesus' examples of spiritual versus earthly
- 146 - The Presence of God
- 146 Repeated history of cavilings
- 147 "No more Messengers"
- 148 God can always raise another Messenger
- 149 - 152 Attainment to the Divine Presence
- 149 A universal revelation? No. Already happened
- 150 Attaining the inner-most reality of God? Impossible
- 151 - 152 Attaining the presence of the Manifestation? Yes.
- 153 Strive to understand this
- 154 - 155 True learning - Recognizing the Manifestation in His day
- 156 - 174 Return of phenotypes
- 156 History repeated
- 157 - 158 Manifestation answers ? but people think it's irrelevant
- 159 - 160 "Return" explicated
- 161 - Oneness of Messenger
- 162 - 163 Oneness of Their chosen ones
- 164 - 167 Transmutation
- 168 - 169 "Return" continued - attributes
- 170 - Return of Companions - Muhammad to the Bab
- 171 - 174 - The "First" and the "Last"
- 175 - 210 - Some "Veils of Glory"
- 175 - 177 - Hypocritical leaders
- 178 - 184 - Traditional terms, such as "Seal of the Prophets"
- 185 - 187 - Examples of some veiled people
- 187 - 197 - Describing the Station of Him Whom God Shall Make Manifest
- 187 - 190 - References to His own Station
- 191 - 195 - Their Two-fold Station
- 196 - Many aspects of Their Spiritual Station
- 197 Reference to Himself
- 198 - More aspects of Their Spiritual Station
- 199 - 202 - Seek knowledge from the knowing
- 203 -206 - Knowledge as a veil
- 207 - 210 - People flock to the ignorant
- 211 - 219 The True Seeker
- 211 - 212 - Seek guidance from the pure in heart
- 213 - 214 Criteria for a true seeker
- 215 - 217 The results of truly seeking
- 218 - 219 Renewal of religion
- 220 - 225 Truth of Muhammad and the Qur'an
- 226 - 227 Supreme station of the Qur'an
- 228 - 231 The ignorant reject the Qur'an
- 232 - 233 The Qur'an is for everyone, not dependent on human learning
- 234 - 235 Denied that Muhammad brought something new
- 236 - 237 The deniers said "No Prophet shall come after..."
- 238 - 245 Paralleling Muhammad and the Bab
- 238 - 241 Some declared the Messenger a calumniator
- 238 - 239 Muhammad
- 240 - 241 The Bab
- 242 - 243 Persecution of followers who honour the old Messenger
- 242 Muhammad
- 243 The Bab
- 244 - 245 They deny newly revealed verses
- 244 Muhammad
- 245 The Bab
- 246 - 255 The Followers
- 246 Some always seek Him out, usually unknown and unlearned
- 247 Today, they are the learned who follow
- 248 Names of some of them
- 249 - 250 The proof of what they endured
- 251 Comparison to the Imam Husayn
- 252 - 255 The Divine Touchstone, separating the true from the false
- 256 - 285 Proofs of the Bab's Mission
- 256 - The Bab outlines the denials He faced
- 257 - 261 Proof - The Bab's steadfastness
- 262 - The Bab's life
- 263 - 264 - His followers suffer persecution similar to previous Messengers
- 265 Consider their sufferings and become firmer in the Faith (cf paragraph 6)
- 266 - 275 Traditions
- 276 - Caution to the Babi leaders
- 277 - 279 Baha'u'llah's recent experiences
- 280 The pure will understand, the covetous will not
- 281 - 283 More traditions
- 284 - 285 Interpreting traditions
- 286 - 290 Conclusion
- 286 Caution
- 287-290 References to Baha'u'llah's Station
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